
I. 宗旨声明

Black Hawk College (hereafter referred to as “BHC” or “College”) hereby establishes the BHC Concealed Carry Guideline pursuant to the 2013 Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act (430 ILCS 66) and its enabling regulations. BHC致力于为BHC社区及其客人提供安全可靠的环境. 支持这一承诺, BHC establishes restrictions on the ability to carry firearms or weapons on the BHC campus in accordance with the 校董会’ authority to promulgate rules and regulations and the 2013 Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act.


  1. 重申董事会承诺提供安全可靠的学习环境.
  2. To recognize that the Act affords certain limited rights to individuals possessing a valid license to carry a concealed firearm (such qualified individual is referred to in the Guideline as a “Licensee”).
  3. 明确被许可人对学校财产的权利和责任.
  4. To set forth consequences and penalties for a violation of the Guideline on the part of Licensees and non-Licensees alike.

II. 本指南所涵盖的人员

本准则适用于所有员工, 学生, 经营业务的人士, 或个人访问BHC校园地点, “校园”的定义见本指引. 游客包括, 但不限于, 未来的学生, 以前的学生和他们各自的家庭.

3. 被禁止的活动

A. 武器或火器

“校园”包括, 但不限于, the BHC campus in Moline; regional campuses in Moline, 东风车式的, 岩岛, Galva and Kewanee; and sites, 是否拥有, 由BHC租赁或控制, BHC项目, 举办活动和课程. 本指南不涉及任何人, 除非法律授权或联邦或州法律或BHC法规特别豁免, 在从事与bhc相关的业务或活动时被授权持有武器或枪支.


  1. 本指南所涵盖的任何人不得在其拥有的财产上拥有武器或火器, 由BHC租赁或控制, 即使那个人拥有有效的联邦或州许可证来拥有武器或枪支.
  2. 本指南所涵盖的任何人员不得显示, 挥舞着, 发射或以其他方式使用任何和所有武器或火器, 包括隐藏的武器或火器.

B. 其他禁止活动

BHC的意图是禁止本指南所涵盖的所有人员进行威胁, 暴力的恐吓或从事暴力行为的. 这样的行为是不能容忍的,可能会导致纪律处分, 包括但不限于, 直接排放, 驱逐, 和/或被学校开除.

C. 异常

  1. 本指南的规定不适用于在BHC车辆中持有武器或火器, 六氯建筑, 以BHC为理由, or at any BHC-sponsored activity if the possession of weapons or firearms is related to one of the following exceptions:
  2. The weapon or firearm is used in connection with a weapons safety or training course offered in the regular course of business or approved and authorized by BHC.
  3. The weapon or firearm is carried by an on duty law enforcement officer required to carry a weapon or firearm as a condition of their employment; the weapon or firearm is carried by a law enforcement officer from an external agency conducting official business at BHC; the weapon or firearm is carried by an off duty law enforcement officer visiting, 上课, or other training; the weapon or firearm is carried by an armed security guard servicing Automated Teller Machines (ATM); or any other exception is deemed necessary as determined by the BHC Chief of Police. Off-duty officers not in uniform and carrying a concealed firearm on campus must register with the Black Hawk College Police Department. 
  4. 在与bhc有关的戏剧作品中使用模拟武器或火器.

IV. 适用指南的位置

就本指引而言, “BHC财产”包括任何地点, 包括大学拥有的车辆, 是否拥有, 由BHC租赁或运营, 以及任何不动产, 人行道和公共区域由BHC控制.

A. 停车

A weapon or firearm may be transported into an unrestricted parking area within a vehicle if the weapon or firearm and its ammunition remain locked in a case out of plain view within the parked vehicle. Persons with concealed carry permits may park in all public lots within the campus as long as they adhere to all provisions of the Concealed Carry Act. The weapon or firearm may only be removed for the limited purpose of storage or retrieval from within 汽车的后备箱.  武器或火器必须先卸下,然后才能从车辆上移走.

B. 储存武器或火器

The primary place of storage for a weapon or firearm is within a locked case out of plain view within a parked vehicle in an unrestricted parking area.

V. 执行

个人, 学生 or employees found in possession of a firearm while on campus may be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution, as well as possible 驱逐 from the college and/or termination from employment according to established college rules and procedures. 如果您认为有人违反了本准则,请致电BHC警察局.

Any individual visiting or conducting business on the property of BHC found to have carried a weapon or firearm onto the property of BHC knowingly, 或者在该人应该知道他们拥有武器或火器的情况下, 可能会被禁止进入BHC校园.

任何被发现故意携带武器或枪支进入BHC的学生, or found to be carrying a weapon under circumstances in which the student should have known that they were in possession of a weapon or firearm, 可能会受到纪律处分,包括, 但不限于, 被BHC开除.

任何被发现故意携带武器或枪支进入BHC的员工, or found to be carrying a weapon or firearm under circumstances in which the employee should have known that they were in possession of a weapon or firearm, 可能会受到纪律处分,包括, 但不限于, 立即终止雇佣关系, 受其他就业规章制度的约束.

任何被发现携带武器或枪支进入BHC财产的人, or found to be carrying a weapon or firearm under circumstances in which the individual should have known that they were in possession of a weapon or firearm, 可能会被逮捕和检控或转介给外部执法机构.

VI. 报告要求

BHC’s 校董会 authorizes the President of BHC to promulgate protocols for the implementation of this Guideline including, 但不限于, 授权需要报告与储存和没收武器或火器有关的责任和规程.

7. 有关指引的资料分发

BHC公共关系和市场营销, 与BHC其他相关部门和行政部门协商, shall be responsible for the development and distribution of information regarding this Guideline to the BHC campus community, BHC媒体和外部受众.

8. 定义

  1. “火器”的定义是:上膛或未上膛的手枪. A “handgun” is defined as any device which is designed to expel a projectile or projectiles by the action of an explosion, 气体膨胀, 或者是被设计成单手持有和发射的气体的逸出.
  2. “武器”的定义是:任何装置, 无论是装载的还是未装载的, 它能射出子弹, 球团, 照明弹或任何其他抛射物,包括以二氧化碳为动力的抛射物. 这包括, 但不限于, 机枪, 步枪, 散弹枪, 手枪或其他火器, BB /子弹枪, 弹簧枪, 彩弹枪, 信号枪, 眩晕枪, 泰瑟枪或飞镖枪以及用于任何此类装置的任何弹药. 上述任何复制品也被禁止.
  3. 任何爆炸装置,包括但不限于鞭炮和黑火药.
  4. 任何设计或传统上用于造成伤害的装置,包括, 但不限于, 弓箭, 任何刀刃超过三英寸的刀, 猎刀, 定刃刀, 把刀, 匕首, 刀片外露的剃刀或其他切割工具.
  5. “箱子”被定义为一个手套箱或控制台,完全包裹武器或火器及其弹药, 汽车的后备箱, 或者是一个武器盒或携带枪支的盒子, 运输箱或其他容器.

IX. BHC警察局

BHC警察局, 与BHC其他相关部门和行政部门协商, 负责制定和发布有关程序, 关于储存和没收武器的议定书.

BHC警察局长, 与BHC其他相关部门和行政部门协商, shall promulgate policies and procedures to be used in determining whether any exceptions to this Guideline are necessary.

X. 明确和当前的危险

The Vice President of Student Services and/or the Chief of Police shall be the designee of the President of BHC responsible for reporting to the Illinois State Police any student, or other named person who is determined to pose a clear and present danger in accordance with the provisions listed in 405 ILCS 5/6-103.3.

XI. BHC设施部

BHC设施部, 与BHC警察局协商后, shall determine placement of clearly and conspicuously posted signs at all building area entrances stating that concealed firearms are prohibited. 标志应符合伊利诺伊州警察局批准的设计. BHC设施部负责标识的维护.

十二世. BHC公共关系和市场营销

BHC公共关系和市场营销, 与BHC其他相关部门和行政部门协商, shall be responsible for the development and distribution of information regarding this Guideline to the BHC campus community, BHC媒体和外部受众.

十三世. 代表团

BHC董事会授予BHC主席颁布附加政策的权力, 与本指南相关并与之一致的法规和程序, 2013年伊利诺斯州枪支隐蔽携带法案及其他相关法律法规.

BHC总裁应不时地, 但不得迟于制定任何附加程序之日起30天, 向BHC董事会报告此类新增内容, 的指导方针, 法规或程序以及本指南的实施情况.





